WE ARE OCEAN Mumbai will start in November 2020 with an online room at Critical Conditions – The Mind of Nature, which is planned as an online festival this year and will present several conversation rooms.
“Conversations as a site for learning and knowledge exchange to spark individual and collective actions for ecology”.
Anne-Marie Melster, the curator of WE ARE OCEAN, will be in conversation with the participants of her virtual room to speak about ocean-related topics challenging Mumbai and its inhabitants.
Please join us: http://thestoryof.org/mind/ecology/room7/
Essential conversations flow with fewer participants and there are greater exchange values and agencies to share freely for those who seek, inquire and have the potential to act. Which is why the festival planned to have only 5 to get into a conversation with the expert, actor or speaker to maximise the impact of the interaction in this program.
1. The conversation starts with a special room where a selected number of inquirers will speak with Anne-Marie Melster about the topic. This conversation can be joined by viewers. (40 minutes)
Room number: 979 799 8564
Room link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9797998564?pwd=ckZTcnBhUWRScStLbFBzcmZSY3J1Zz09
Room Password: 022780
2. The second part of the conversation is an open discussion round with the inquirers and the general audience. (15 minutes)
Room number: 652 939 5835
Room link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6529395835?pwd=TXVlTk5zTTJ2VkhzMDQ5UURFZnhMdz09
Room Password: 189905
3. The third session is a multidisciplinary panel discussion with 9 other experts from this program (with Dr. Vandana Shiva, Ursula Biemann, George Steinmann, Extinction Rebellion, Robin Meier and many more). (45-60 minutes)
You can view the full program under http://thestoryof.org
This virtual conversation is the first module of WE ARE OCEAN Mumbai which will be put into place as soon as the global conditions allow for interdisciplinary activities. We will keep you posted about the program, dates and artists.