“WE ARE OCEAN, Berlin”
“Berlin by the Sea” at FUTURIUM, October 2nd 2019 (Intervention, dialogue and film)
Guests of the evening
Antje Boetius, Director at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Lukas Köhler, Member of the German Bundestag
Markus Reymann, Director at TBA21-Academy
Sebastian Unger, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS Potsdam)
School students from the school at Berlinickeplatz in Berlin
Anne-Marie Melster Director at ARTPORT_making waves (moderator)
Manuel Rivera, IASS Potsdam (moderator)
This event was part of the project WE ARE OCEAN / WIR SIND MEER BERLIN and hosted by the Futurium together with ARTPORT_making waves and the Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS). It was kindly supported by STADT UND LAND Wohnbauten Gesellschaft mbH, the Stiftung Berliner Sparkasse and the Fonds Soziokultur.
What are school students concerned about when they think about climate change? And how can we, from Berlin, protect our ocean, which spans the globe and has a central role in the Earth’s climate system? Students at the school at Berlinickeplatz Berlin showed an interactive intervention. Afterwards, they addressed their questions in a fishbowl dialogue to experts from science, art and politics. All young visitors to the event were invited to participate as well with questions, which led to a lively discussion about various acute marine issues.
Was beschäftigt Schüler*innen, wenn sie an den Klimawandel denken? Und wie können wir von Berlin aus unseren Ozean schützen, der den Globus umspannt und eine zentrale Rolle im Klimasystem der Erde hat? Schüler*innen der Schule am Berlinickeplatz Berlin zeigten eine interaktive Intervention. Im Anschluss richteten sie ihre Fragen in einem Fishbowl-Dialog an Expert*innen aus Wissenschaft, Kunst und Politik. Alle jungen Besucher*innen der Veranstaltung waren eingeladen, sich mit Fragen zu beteiligen, wodurch eine rege Diskussion zu verschiedenen akuten Meeresthemen entstand.